• Blog

    It’s An Absolute Judgment Free Zone, Or Is It?

    I am not going to start this post by saying that it is going to be “a little controversial”. Let’s face it, based on where you stand on literally any topic, all posts have the potential to be controversial. Even one about our puppy, Sam. And this post is definitely not going to be any different. If one is going to talk about judgment, facing judgment is absolutely a possibility. Maybe even likely? Probably. And that’s ok. I am writing my posts to provoke thoughts. As much as I added my podcast not to provide answers but rather questions and…

  • Recommendations

    Day 14

    It’s yet another Sunday in these super crazy times. Have you adjusted to your “new normal” yet? I am not sure, to be honest. As I shared before, not a lot has changed for Henning, Sam and I. However it FEELs different and that is a very weird feeling. Still wrapping my head around it. Having good and bad days. But every day I am wondering about the Covidiots… …i.e. when I am reading, that 9 States have not even issued any stay@home orders and made the mistake to read the explanation from the Governors, I am getting sick to…

  • Recommendations

    Day 13

    Hey y’all, how are you doing today? In case you are not sure, it’s Saturday. The first day of the weekend is almost over. Not, that it really matters, as nowadays weekdays and weekends are mostly spend at the same place – the couch. But hopefully you are not spending all days working. Rest is important, even though for some working on the couch might come seriously close to resting or could even accidently lead to the same. One of my team members told me, he could not be working on the couch as he would fall asleep all the…

  • Recommendations

    Day 12

    Has someone seen the last week? I must have totally missed it! It feels like yesterday that I wrote to you about our Friday power outage nightmare and here we are again. It’s Friday! Power is still on, though (knocking on wood aka my head). Day 12….another workweek in my couch office. I guess by the end of this whole situation, we might need a new couch as ours will have a crater the size of a mid-sized volcano. The couch was not made for someone to sit on it all day. I am wondering, when they test the durability,…

  • Recommendations

    Day 11

    Happy Friday Eve dear friends and fellow Covid-19 warriors. Some more of you have been checking in and commenting – I really appreciate the feedback! Does not make me feel as much like the weird person on the street that is loudly talking to themselves. So this is Day 11, in blog days at least. I realized, in yesterday’s post I completely omitted the irony (or intent?) of the day, Mr. DeSantis chose for his stay@home order (thanks for the reminder, Jimmy Kimmel!). April’s fools day of all days. So I guess the Covidiot’s had a good laugh about the…

  • Recommendations

    Day 10

    Happy Humpday, everyone. Yes. It’s Wednesday. I am making it a point to try and remember the week day. I think it’s been almost a month of working from my couch office now. And even though, I have been working from home for longer stretches of time before, this definitely feels different. Today was especially different, as my apprentice was in Day Care and our daily routine was off because of that. When we get him back, he is usually super tired. I am pretty sure it’s different for you too, be it because you are under lockdown or because…

  • Recommendations

    Day 9

    Let’s play a game – what day of the week is it? If you guessed Friday, you should be right, but unfortunately you are not. Tuesday. It’s only Tuesday. Your welcome! How are you doing, today? Did you have a busy day at work? At my job, decisions and things are super fluid right now. Which is understandable, but also increasingly frustrating. I have a couple of people depend on me providing timely guidance and right now, that is rather difficult. I am not the most patient person. When I received the third conflicting message on one topic in one…

  • Recommendations

    Day 8

    Happy Monday, everyone! Another week of Covid-19 quarantine / self-isolation or lockdown, depending on your situation, has begun. I have not heard from you in a while, but hope you are still here with me and most importantly, you are well! Let me know you are, by posting a comment! And do not forget about our “acts of kindness” challenge! The world can definitely use some positivity right now. Let’s try to spread positivity and kindness for once! How has your first working day of the week been? Mine has been pretty much business as usual. I worked in my…

  • Recommendations

    Day 7

    Day 7 – wow! And there continue to be topics to share. I hope you are still with me and agree? Show you are, by sharing your thoughts in the comments. It’s nice to get feedback and most importantly to hear your stories. So it’s Sunday today which means, another crazy work week in my couch office is about to start. I hope my work companion is ready to join me as well. It’s just nicer with company. Today I am sharing Social Distancing – the pet version. The two guys are clearly keeping their distance and we will cut…

  • Recommendations

    Day 5

    Friends, how are you doing today? I am sure, you are still hanging in there. I hope you are not having a bad day, starting to experience cabin fever or are feeling frustrated, but I would totally understand if any of these feelings paid a visit. It’s a very, very weird time. None of us has gone through something like it before. And I sure hope none of us will ever again. So if you are feeling upset about it, don’t beat yourself up over that, too. If you are usually not cutting yourself a slack, you should reconsider. You…