Day 9
Let’s play a game – what day of the week is it? If you guessed Friday, you should be right, but unfortunately you are not. Tuesday. It’s only Tuesday. Your welcome!

How are you doing, today? Did you have a busy day at work? At my job, decisions and things are super fluid right now. Which is understandable, but also increasingly frustrating. I have a couple of people depend on me providing timely guidance and right now, that is rather difficult. I am not the most patient person. When I received the third conflicting message on one topic in one day, I thought ok, I will let it go until tomorrow. Maybe the Universe will straighten things out overnight. Sometimes things can’t be forced, you need to take a step back and let things work themselves out. What’s your strategy, when things like these happen? I am sure others would like to know as well.
Some “sad” news: I had to fire my apprentice. He kept falling asleep over is laptop. And even when he was awake, he just did not do a great job writing blog posts for me. But fret not – I found a new job for him and he seemed to love it. What do you think? (It’s a video!)
Bed tester! He did a great job. The only thing he overlooked was, that the box spring was missing. And since the bed is in “his room” (his decision, not ours), he goes there regularly now, lying on “his bed”. And is sinking in with his buttock, due to the missing box spring.
He does not care – he was so excited, that his room finally has a bed. Let’s really hope we will not have to quarantine – otherwise I got the feeling, that it will be Henning and I sick in one room and Sam moving into his room. Food provision could become a challenge though. Someone also needs to explain to him, that he does not get to keep every bed, that he was hired (or not) to test.
So the worst case scenario quarantine room comes together nicely. The box spring will (should) arrive on Thursday. The first one I had ordered was to thin. Yes, I should have read the measures of the bed but where is the fun in that? We also have a spare TV that we could and might install there as well. And I have a strong feeling, once that room is ready, the Universe will make sure we did all of this for nothing. And I won’t tell the Universe, that it won’t be for nothing. Eventually we will be able to have friends over for a visit and they will use it.
On our long afternoon walk it has become a habit, to discuss how stupid the covidiots we are meeting along the way and the others elsewhere in the world are. We do not spend the day talking or worrying about Covid-19. But during our walks we can’t avoid but think, where will this lead? What needs to happen, so that people get it? Or is it actually worse and they DO get it, but do not really care? Maybe because they are too arrogant and think, it won’t hit them? And if that was true, should we wish for covidiots to get infected so that they finally get it? Or should we wish they do not get infected, because there is a risk they still don’t get it and continue with their current behavior?
I guess the three of us would make a funny comic. Imagine us walking peacefully on this nice walkway and out of the blue occasionally jumping into the grass, avoiding groups of people walking /driving towards us; “thought bubbles” over our heads with the thoughts I described above. And a “thought bubble” over Sam’s head with a huge question mark. Sam is really confused about what’s going on. He is used to strolling over the grass, sniffing around. He is not used to us joining him (on the grass part, not the sniffing part!).

Looks like fall, right? I do seriously hope, by then things have improved and we somehow managed to at least flatten the curve enough, for the amount of infections to have plateaued.
But hope won’t do it. And apparently religion is not either, or how do we explain the churches that currently invite thousands of people to come over to celebrate mass with them – in person? Saying God will protect them. They had to arrest the pastors and priests. Seriously? At least one of the TV pastors had some common sense. Instead of praying for a miracle, he prayed for a vaccine to be available right now. That would be pretty close to a miracle, but at least he is not condemning science but embracing it – in a little bit of a weird way. But hey, we already have established times are weird, I’ll take it.
What we really need is, for people to staythef***home. Excuse the word home, I know many of you probably can’t hear it anymore. So for those of you, that are locked down at home, have you tried doing a perspective change? I know it’s called lockdown and that is a rather negative, maybe even claustrophobic word. So maybe try the below?

And let me break it down, again, for the covidiots that might accidentally read this. If you continue to go about your life, as if Covid-19 was not out there or as if it could never infect you, you are making the decision and are accepting to potentially kill someone. No, this is not at all an exaggeration.
You might be healthy. In the event you get infected due to your recklessness, you might or might not only experience minor symptoms. But do you have older parents? Do you have young children? Do you have friends, that could have an undetected disease, that puts them at greater risk? You do not know? Do not worry. If you continue to go on as you do today and maybe even throw or participate in a Corona party, you are going to find out. And the price is going to be paid by the loved ones that you put at risk.
By the way, it’s a great idea to go on long and lonely bike rides. It really is. However, you can’t outrun (or drive) the virus. So IF you have to drive on the sidewalk, you might want to make an attempt to keep your distance to people walking there. If someone coughs or sneezes at you, only the 6 feet distance will help. Also, please don’t drive on the sidewalk, there is people walking there. Look at the name – it’s called sideWALK. Not sideRIDE. In Weston, they actually drew a line on the street and put a bike symbol at every entry point. I wonder what they did that for?

An entire lane, all to yourself. They basically put a Social Distancing space on all the streets here. Only leaving room for one bike. As if they saw this coming!
Are you joining my acts of kindness challenge? I hope you are. Not only the world, also I could use some positive news right now. And reading your stories in the comments will be a nice distraction for a change! I will post my act of kindness together with my Saturday update. Stay tuned for it!
Be kind to yourself and then to others. Don’t be too kind to covidiots, call them out and make any attempt to get to them. You might be saving someone’s life!
Keep your distance, stay healthy and take care!

One Comment
Seems that Sam found a suitable job that combines play time and work time 🙂
I couldn’t agree more with the idea that instead of seeing the quarantine/lockdown as a retrain, we can change our perspectives to see the positive side of it. I personally know that I stay home for my 80+ year old grandma and other friends with potentially life threatening conditions. Who knows, maybe this crisis is somewhat of an uncovering of selfless vs. selfish tendencies in our society.