• Recommendations

    Day 10

    Happy Humpday, everyone. Yes. It’s Wednesday. I am making it a point to try and remember the week day. I think it’s been almost a month of working from my couch office now. And even though, I have been working from home for longer stretches of time before, this definitely feels different. Today was especially different, as my apprentice was in Day Care and our daily routine was off because of that. When we get him back, he is usually super tired. I am pretty sure it’s different for you too, be it because you are under lockdown or because…

  • Recommendations

    Day 9

    Let’s play a game – what day of the week is it? If you guessed Friday, you should be right, but unfortunately you are not. Tuesday. It’s only Tuesday. Your welcome! How are you doing, today? Did you have a busy day at work? At my job, decisions and things are super fluid right now. Which is understandable, but also increasingly frustrating. I have a couple of people depend on me providing timely guidance and right now, that is rather difficult. I am not the most patient person. When I received the third conflicting message on one topic in one…

  • Recommendations

    Day 8

    Happy Monday, everyone! Another week of Covid-19 quarantine / self-isolation or lockdown, depending on your situation, has begun. I have not heard from you in a while, but hope you are still here with me and most importantly, you are well! Let me know you are, by posting a comment! And do not forget about our “acts of kindness” challenge! The world can definitely use some positivity right now. Let’s try to spread positivity and kindness for once! How has your first working day of the week been? Mine has been pretty much business as usual. I worked in my…

  • Blog

    Day 3

    Hey there! I hope you are all hanging in there with me? How was your day today? Please share below in the comments, how many days you have already been cooped up at home and how you are doing! Did the stupid people around us make you lose your humor yet? Maybe I can help! I skipped through Facebook today and captured some of the Covid-19 related Memes. I thought it would be fun to share some of them with you and, if you are up for it, have you vote for your favorite. Just put in a comment below…

  • Recommendations

    Day 2

    Hello – it’s me! Again. When I socialized the idea of a regular diary in the current situation, one of my dear friends asked me “are you sure you want to do it daily? You think you’ll have enough topics?” I am sure that was a polite way of saying, make sure you are not boring us. He got me thinking! Guess what? I would have enough content (in my head at least) to do this 3 times a day. But no worries, I am not going to do that. And of course I am also counting on you letting…

  • Recommendations

    Social Distancing with Nannette – Day 1

    Actually day 10(ish) but who is really counting? This is Day one of my Covid-19 craziness diary. I am going to post regularly, so check back for more! Hey, how are you guys doing? Thought I should check-in with you more regularly right now, of course while complying with the need to socially distance myself. So what better place to meet & chat, than my very own blog? Also, as I shared before, creating helps keeping me sane, so win win! My status right now? Well see below’s picture. Unfortunately I do not have the same sorrows free life that…