Day 3
Hey there! I hope you are all hanging in there with me? How was your day today? Please share below in the comments, how many days you have already been cooped up at home and how you are doing!
Did the stupid people around us make you lose your humor yet? Maybe I can help! I skipped through Facebook today and captured some of the Covid-19 related Memes. I thought it would be fun to share some of them with you and, if you are up for it, have you vote for your favorite.

Just put in a comment below – share your experience and do not forget to vote on your favorite meme. You have seen one, that I should see? Send it to me under nannette@mykindofsuccess.net . I will post them here in the next days!
Things have been pretty much like day 1 and day 2 here. My inner couch potato is having a daily blast as I continue to work on my couch. How did we manage to not have numb legs after a long day at the “desk” before Apple Watch (or Fitbit or Garmin or you name it)? If mine would not remind me every hour to get up, I would be lost! Oh and thankfully there is this little guy, too!

Lately I started to “miss” going to the office. As I said before, humans are weird and I am certainly no exception. Why, you should ask? Because I was actually not working in the office a lot. Before Covid-19 I mean. By the way, do we now for years split how we talk about time into “before” and “after” Covid-19? We could even use the same abreviation “BC” (Before Covid) and “AC” (After Covid). IF there is an after of course and that heavily depends on the Covidiots including the Covidiot in Chief .

The latter thinks we should open everything up by Eastern. Not sure if he thinks Jesus having been cruzified on Good Friday and then having resurrected on Easter Sunday will help us (or at least him) this time as well? But how will that work? We will open everything up, the virus will kill us eventually and that will lead to our eternal life? I am not an expert, but I hope there are some that are studiying the bible right now to make sure it really works, before we go for it. Plus that story does not end well – if you are not interested in Ascension at least.
If you are a Christian, maybe even catholic, please know this is absolutely not an offense to your believes. Just to his!
But I digress, this guy does have that effect on me, I can’t help it. So I, who usually only works 2, max. 3 days a week in the office and always was completely fine being home, I am now missing the office. I am even missing the lady that keeps closing the window shades I pulled up to let in some daylight, the moment I am leaving my desk for just a second. My guess is vampire. Are vampires at risk of getting the virus as well (especially as they are distantly related to baits and rumor has it, Chinese people eating baits are the cause of this whole trouble…if you believe in rumors) or is she maybe the only one still in the office, missing our little window shade battles as well? Imagine that!
Last time I was in the office, I had to go in almost every day of that week, as the Senior Leadership Team was in town. I was so missing my couch. Yep, definitely weird! What are you usually not too much into but now missing like it’s your job? Please do share!
The reason I am missing the office is simple though. For the longest time, I did not have a team here in the office. I am part of a broader team there, but did not have a direct team working with me. Now I do. And sitting next to my colleague and being able to exchange some jokes at each others expenses – I am really missing that. I actually started teasing myself, whenever I am drinking a diet coke, because it’s not a Pepsi. It’s just not the same – I really can’t get the mix of disgust and humor right. I tried!

Instead I am trying to stay in touch with my work family, using all technical means I am having available. I am trying to check in with everyone at least once a day. And there is still a lot of joking at each others expenses going on. And that is important.
I am sending funny or cute pictures (mainly of Sam) via Whatsapp and get a lot of cute and funny kid pictures back. Or I am checking in briefly using our company chat tool. Do you like your colleagues? No matter if they are your leader or not, they might be overwhelmed or frustrated with the situation as well. Don’t wait for them to check-in, go first! You might make their day! The amount of typos and nonsense I have typed into the chat window with my boss definitely made his day – literally every day this week. Today I was on a call while chatting with him. I told him I liked my call instead of my job. He could not stop laughing. Thankfully he has not asked me to go back to school yet! Phew!
This situation taught me a lesson. I really can only do 3, max. 4 things at a time. If I am trying to do task #5, I suddenly type German chat texts to Non-German colleagues, wondering why they are not replying at all. Some are too cute and use google translate, even though that probably leaves them more confused than had they just tried to understand the German text. ALWAYS reverse translate in Google translate before you use the result, especially in a work email. Tip I learned – from a friends bad experience…
Keeping in touch is important and can be accomplished virtually as well. Just remember to reach out, even if you do NOT need anything. Especially when you don’t. And make an effort to organize fun time with your work family & friends. It’s not only going to help your work relationships, it will probably also boost your mood. I am meeting mine tomorrow for a virtual “brown bag lunch”. Everyone brings their own food and we will meet and chat. It will be great!

What are your plans? Share your plans, your situation, thoughts and feelings and, most importantly, your vote of your favorite meme in the comments! I will be back tomorrow!
Be kind to yourself, than to others!
Keep your distance, stay healthy and take care!

I’m choosing #3.
My guess is that since family & friends are so important to me, that is the one thing this social distancing is depraving me of.
However, I find this confinement is bringing the best out of me: I am getting creative in the kitchen, cleaning very thoroughly, painting & drawing with the Kids, I am getting very good at indoor sports (considering I have not practiced indoor sports before and I am the only judge).
My only concern is that we eat more elaborate meals & we are not able to exercise as much as we did before (because the lockdown prevents us from going out other than for buying essentials) And we don’t have a scale to keep our weight on track 🙁
We are going through Day 6 of Total lockdown here and trying to enjoy our time together as much as possible, we are lucky because we are healthy & we are together, I know a lot of people are struggling because they are alone, scared, unwell, etc. we should be grateful and I think that is the one lesson this situation taught me!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
Hey Ceci, yes you are definitely in a different situation there. We are not under lock down (yet) and also, Henning, Sam and I are the only family we are having here in Florida. So we have always been good with being by ourselves. Of course we like to meet friend, go out for dinner etc. but we would not be spending time at our parents house even without the current situation on a regular basis so we are not missing that.
Number 1 is my favorite one 🙂 It has been an interesting 2 weeks of working from home. I miss my walks under the Oculus or over it on my way to work. I miss the sound of construction near the World Trade Center area and the throngs of people going from one place to another. I think in a nutshell, I miss the indirect/direct human interaction that happened while walking to work and then interacting with my colleagues. The biggest lesson I have learned is that human interaction is valuable. Yes, there is a time to take a break and not talk to people, but when that goes beyond a day or 2, then it becomes difficult to withstand.
I can imagine, Sergio! You are also living where there is a lot of buzzing and hustling so being confined to the apartment and the life outside almost having been paused, is such a different situation. Hang in there!