Social Distancing with Nannette – Day 1
Actually day 10(ish) but who is really counting? This is Day one of my Covid-19 craziness diary. I am going to post regularly, so check back for more!
Hey, how are you guys doing? Thought I should check-in with you more regularly right now, of course while complying with the need to socially distance myself. So what better place to meet & chat, than my very own blog? Also, as I shared before, creating helps keeping me sane, so win win!
My status right now? Well see below’s picture. Unfortunately I do not have the same sorrows free life that Sam is living, but I am mostly “cooped up” at home with Sam (pictured) and my husband. And cooped up is of course an exeggaration, given I am not living in a small appartment in New York / New Jersey anymore. Thankfully!

Fortunately said energetic yellow labrador retriever helps make sure there is still some pretty good routine of regular walks outside. With 6 feet distance to other human beings (as recommended by the CDC), not counting my honey, obviously. And oh in case you are worried – in Broward county dogs have to be walked on a 6 foot long leash. So if in doubt, we are just sending Sam over to the other guys and when they are scared and try to avoid him, we know it’s 6 feet for sure (calm down people, I am just kidding. We would never have Sam contract the virus and get sick, sillies).
Funny story – I recently read some posts from people talking about how they were practicing social distancing and how they even kept the proposed distance to their spouses when being out and about on their walks. They were really excited about how compliant they were. I was just afraid to reply asking whether they are also sleeping in seperate beds (bedrooms) and are sitting 6 feet away at the dinner table etc.. I decided that not knowing the answer to these questions is bliss unfortunately I do have an idea and my head just wants to shake itself uncontrollably.
How are you feeling though? If you are still watching TV and listening to the “mainstream media” (or some President of a not named country that keeps telling everyone a lot of BS and is then corrected by the experts without him really understanding what’s happening) you probably have gone crazy by now or are seriously wondering if you should just kill yourself since Covid-19 will do that anyways. Well, since you are reading this, I guess that did not happen yet. Make sure it does not. Do what I am doing – stop watching. It’s really that simple.
Now I am staying informed about new rules & regulations of course and that is important. So I am reading publications of the Mayor or Governor – who ever is making announcements of changes. Sometimes I am “cutting corners” and reading the app of our local NBC news. But only if I am in a REALLY good mood and I am restricting myself to articles that are headlined “that’s changing” or “you should know this”. Sounds paranoid to you? Yeah, I get it. But it keeps me sane. If not in the right mood, I might be receptable to this “end of world BS” that is broadcasted. As I said in my previous post – kudos to those that are also reporting about the amount of cured people. There are A LOT of them. Even more than anyone would know and share over the media as many never got tested at all.
Anyways. Are you working from home? I am. I am a couch worker (yes, literally sitting on the couch while working). My husband, who just had to find my phone charger cable and some unexpected pens under the couch for me, just reminded me it’s not really an office or an official work place. Guess what, I also never officially signed up for being a virtual worker. So there is that. I am adjusting.

I think the couch is comfortable. It is a recliner so I have a head rest and can sit straight so that is good. Sitting at a desk would probably be better, sitting at the kitchen table, not so much (table too high for the chair and the chair is no ergonomic). Also, our new reality includes being surrounded by our loved ones more than usually including while being on conference calls. And who would not love doing these calls in a setting like this?
Right. The best possible distraction. I am of course making sure I am keeping confidential information confidential. I am locking my laptop when I am getting up, I am not owning an Alexa (or similar device) but if I would, I would mute her to make sure nothing that is said is recorded (Alexa would not be good at my job anyways, I am sure of that). Calls are not done on speaker either, obviously. Thankfully I can keep Sam nearby as he promised to not tell anyone about the things he is hearing. Pinky toe swear, so we are good!
I am a lucky girl. I am living in a house with a garden and a pool and with a lot of room to be together and also to be apart, if we desire….
And with that I would like to conclude today’s update from my little world that has gotten just a bit smaller in the last couple of days. It might get even smaller if a “shelter in place” order has to be issued thanks to the “Covidiots” (google it!).
Isn’t it interesting how we used to be glued to our phones, not paying attention to anyone around us and not socializing much, kids not playing outside but at their computers etc. and now that we should do exactly that, it requires for the government to order us to and even control us? Anyone still thinking humans aren’t weird? Sam certainly knows better based on the way he looks at us at times (all the time?).
Before I end todays update though, I would like to thank some folks, that really deserve it:
ALL Nurses, Doctors and anyone that has to keep showing up for work and can’t practice social distance! While we are complaining about the inconvenience, you do not have time for that as you have to save (our) lives or make sure our lives are not getting even more inconvenient. THANK YOU! Thank you for not being as stupid as the majority of the rest of us. We would be literally lost without you.

See you in the next couple of days? I will share what has changed for me and also what excites me (yes there is excitement to be found, if you just look well enough) in the current situation.
Be kind to yourself, then be kind to others. It works much better this way around.
Stay healthy & take care!

Crazy times, but happy to know I am not the only one feeling the way I feel.
Thanks for sharing and sams pics… always refreshing 🙂
Unfortunately the people are far more crazy, than the times. Check out my day 2 update and let me know if you agree! 🙂
Sergio Caballero
Thank you for your posts. It makes me feel a bit more human knowing that we are not alone in what we are experiencing while working from home. I appreciate your rhythm of knowing what’s happening in the news but not getting sucked into it. It’s a needed balance during this time. And it is amazing to have such great pet partner such as Sam :), it makes the days a little more brighter as the days go by
Vulnerability is key. Being vulnerable for others is what my blog is all about – so my pleasure! 🙂 Thanks for being a loyal reader and even more importantly for sharing your thoughts as well!
Would like to hear more on your social distancing experience in the coming days so far I van relate to most of what you shared. In my case we are obliged to stay at home and that is a big challenge with 2 kids living in an apartment.
I find it challenging because I love to go out and have long walks or run by the river and all of that is forbidden now.
The best way I find to deal with this is doing things, trying new recipes, playing sport tournaments with the kids indoors, things that were not allowed before become an option now?
And agree not allowing any further coronavirus information get to me unless I am willing to hear. And last & more important, volunteered to buy and deliver food for elder people that have nobody to help them, we did nor start yet because we need to be tested first prior to actually delivering food, I find myself looking forward to doing something for someone else and I will keep myself busy doing so
Thank you, Ceci! Hang in there. At least you are in great company. I also have another update, check it out!
Mohan Sharma
Hi Nannette,
Thanks for sharing your experience and specially keeping your sense of humor alive (we all can use some).
For me this experience has been rather different as having a one year old crawling in whole apartment is distracting but as parent also rewarding. I am glad that as parents we both are able to see every small details of him growing, in last two week Liam got two new teeth and has started saying papa :).
I completely agree with you on disconnecting with mainstream media as it doesn’t help in answering any questions if anything raise more, following a simple advice control what you can and stay calm.
Looking forward to more blogs and hear from everyone how they have been coping with these changes.
Hey Mohan, I wish I had been there to see your face when he said Papa for the first time. 🙂 Hugs!