Day 14
It’s yet another Sunday in these super crazy times. Have you adjusted to your “new normal” yet? I am not sure, to be honest. As I shared before, not a lot has changed for Henning, Sam and I. However it FEELs different and that is a very weird feeling. Still wrapping my head around it. Having good and bad days. But every day I am wondering about the Covidiots…
…i.e. when I am reading, that 9 States have not even issued any stay@home orders and made the mistake to read the explanation from the Governors, I am getting sick to my stomach “the people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety”. Why do you have Law Enforcement in your States at all then? And also, is it because that worked so well in all the States that finally came around and issued an order (even though they are not really enforcing it)? It’s tough, when the biggest Covidiots are the ones that are supposed to be leading the way in their States.

Yes, that’s dark. I know. But for all of us these Governor’s decision means, we will have to exercise Social Distancing for a lot longer. Because even if in our States the curve finally flattens, unless we are literally closing our borders for folks from these States (let’s build a wall and have Mexico pay for it, since that worked so well before), things will likely continue to be serious. So thank you:
Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North and South Dakota..for not having issued an order at all and to Utah, Oklahoma, Wyoming and South Carolina for having issued orders only in parts of your States. It’s definitely great to know we are living in a completely undivided country, where the States support each other and their citizens. NOT.
I am not going to repeat any more of your stupid explanations. I am just wondering if it is a coincident (I really am wondering!), that all of these States are lead by a Republican (partly by Women, so I guess this is a gender neutral stupidity)? In Germany we have the saying “the fish stinks from the head” and the head of this country is not necessarily taking this whole situation all too seriously and does not seem to listen to his experts either. Why should his fellow Republican Governors? I am open to any other explanation, please share in the comments!
By the way, I am not eligible to elect in this country, that Henning and I have chosen to be our home because we love it, yet. If you are, please execute that right in November. If you are scared of the virus, vote via letter. But please vote!
This is not a political blog. I am not generally for or against any party. I am however totally against racism, stupidity and lack of leadership. Especially lack of leadership in a situation the entire world has not seen or experienced before. We are living in the country that in the past would have taken a world leader role. The only leadership role we are taking right now, is the one in the statistic of newly infected people. It breaks my heart!
Even our little Sammy boy is getting a little bit annoyed by having to share the grass with Mommy and Daddy as we jump aside to avoid bumping into Covidiots. Who would have known months ago, that a simple afternoon walk could turn into running the gauntlet?

I have been thinking about making Henning and I some T-shirts. No, not those matching couple T-shirts, we are not there (yet?). I am thinking of us making our afternoon walks easier, by putting either of the following on our T-Shirts front & back:
- Bike lane ??? —->
- If you can read this, you are too close! #6 feet
- No, that’s NOT 6 feet, keep going
- Staythef***@home!
Which one of them would you want us to wear? Your votes might just be the motivation I need, to actually make them! I bet those would come in handy in the grocery store as well. More and more stores are limiting the amount of customers allowed in the store at a time. I have not been there since but will go tomorrow and will see if keeping a 6 feet distance will become any easier now. I admittedly even thought about making a mask myself. Unfortunately the message is still, the mask does not really protect you, it protects the others. So does it make sense?
Does anyone else find it curious though, that the CDC changed their mind and messaging on this just so? I have a team member, that’s a full blown conspiracy theorist – I am sure he is having a blast with this one. And I might agree, this time. Only this time!
Are you ready for the next workweek? I am having a pretty easy Monday, so I will use that day, to prepare myself and my team to transition into our “new work normal”. It’s not that easy to come down from the adrenaline rush the crisis mode gave us and move into a more BAU day to day. It will require leadership, so if you are a people leader in a similar situation, do not leave your team alone. There might be some hard landing after falling off this “high” and self-motivation will be a lot more difficult, too.
It’s going to be interesting and challenging to define, how success looks like in these unprecedented times. Of course you could say, we still have a job, what else do we want? And parts of me would definitely agree with you. The other part – the one that is using the brain more than the heart – will tell you that, in order for it to stay that way, we will have to give even more and work even harder to support the company, that is supporting us. Creative ideas will be required to save money without sacrificing quality or work. So I will be thinking about how I can help my team tap into their creativity, when their minds are preoccupied as people around us are dying. Our people will look to us for guidance. TOUGH!

Look at him – I will better get ready and have some answers! But sometimes, there is just more questions, even in my mind. Like… How can people ignore what’s happening? Do people, that let their children still go to playdates with other kids, just not love their own kids? Do we really think, all that healthcare professionals, who are risking their own and the lives of their families day in and day out, need is our applause?
I am not having all the answers, but the answer to my last question is NO. No, they do not need our applause. They need for us to use our brains and for their sake, not get ourselves sick. Because the best protection for them is, for us to not need their help and attention due to Covid19. And they need medical supplies and not having to drive to 5 different grocery stores because the first one does not have what they need for their families. And that is great news, because this is SOMETHING we CAN do. Do you agree? It could function as your act of kindness – are you still with me on that challenge? Then please, share your story to brighten up our week!
Have another healthy week! Talk to you tomorrow. Keep your distance and take care!

Mohan Sharma
Agree with you Nannette, if leader were doing there job US will not have the highest number of cases (infected and dead). It’s heart breaking to see life of so many people are put at risk for whatever reason it might be
On T-shirt I will definitely go with third option “No, that’s not six feet. Keep going”.
I like that option too, Mohan! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your feedback. Appreciate it!
Hey Nannette,
I agree with you that most people think kindness is something you receive from others but not something you give ( hope this statement makes sense to you). And that is the real problem, selfishness.
People don’t think about others, or at least not as frequently as they think about themselves. So if you ask me, the T-shirt should say something they can relate to, for instance “keep loving yourself as you do, stay 6 feet away from me for your own sake”
But that might not be as funny as your options…
Thanks for your posts! Enjoying each one of them!
Funny you should say that. Henning said the exact same thing. We need to meet the people where they stand and that is being selfish. At the same time, the message needs to be short too, as most stop reading after the third or fourth word. 🙂 I will find something, for sure! Thanks for your feedback!
My vote is for “If you can read this, you are too close!” 😀