• Recommendations

    Day 14

    It’s yet another Sunday in these super crazy times. Have you adjusted to your “new normal” yet? I am not sure, to be honest. As I shared before, not a lot has changed for Henning, Sam and I. However it FEELs different and that is a very weird feeling. Still wrapping my head around it. Having good and bad days. But every day I am wondering about the Covidiots… …i.e. when I am reading, that 9 States have not even issued any stay@home orders and made the mistake to read the explanation from the Governors, I am getting sick to…

  • Recommendations

    Day 12

    Has someone seen the last week? I must have totally missed it! It feels like yesterday that I wrote to you about our Friday power outage nightmare and here we are again. It’s Friday! Power is still on, though (knocking on wood aka my head). Day 12….another workweek in my couch office. I guess by the end of this whole situation, we might need a new couch as ours will have a crater the size of a mid-sized volcano. The couch was not made for someone to sit on it all day. I am wondering, when they test the durability,…