Day 12
Has someone seen the last week? I must have totally missed it! It feels like yesterday that I wrote to you about our Friday power outage nightmare and here we are again. It’s Friday! Power is still on, though (knocking on wood aka my head).

Day 12….another workweek in my couch office. I guess by the end of this whole situation, we might need a new couch as ours will have a crater the size of a mid-sized volcano. The couch was not made for someone to sit on it all day. I am wondering, when they test the durability, how many hours does the tester have to sit on a couch model they want to launch?
Maybe I should be trying something completely new and crazy? Like moving over to the armchair for a couple of hours? Hmm..too much of an adventure for my taste… it’s also pretty far away.

Guys, come a little closer to the screen. Closer, please. I am going to tell you a secret, I detected today. Are you ready? Weston, the city we are living in, has issued a “safer at home” order already on 3/26. Say what???? Shhhhh! Quiet! They did such a great job keeping it a secret, I do not want to spill the beans. I know I can trust you and you won’t tell anyone!
Yes, believe it or not. Totally unbeknownst to basically everyone living IN Weston, the City of Weston has issued a version of a stay@home order. How did I find out? Wild story, fasten your seatbelts. I googled it. Yes, I had a hunch and searched for it on google. But honestly, it was not easy to find. Which never has stopped me before.
The whole thing started with a Facebook post a friend of ours had shared. In the article they said, that Fort Lauderdale was the last of the Cities in Broward county to give such an order. Which made me wonder – is Weston NOT in Broward county anymore, but I could rule that our rather quickly. So the wanna be FBI agent in me added 1+1 and concluded, there must have been such an order in Weston as well and well before Fort Lauderdale – obviously.
And sure enough, there actually was! I went on the official website of the City of Weston. And there it was. No, not front or center or anywhere easily visible. I found a small, hidden link talking about orders issued lately and when I clicked it, a pdf. document opened and on the bottom third of the first page, there it said “All citizens of the City of Weston are to stay at home…”. Issued March 26th. Crazy stuff.
If you need to get a secret off your chest but want to make sure, the person you tell it, keeps it a secret – try the Mayor and the employees of the City of Weston. They seem to be pretty good at it!
Should anyone actually have heard about it, it would unfortunately be an affirmation that my assumption about the Floridians still not getting it, was correct.
Just today we met a Covidiot family of four. They were taking up the entire sidewalk and did not make any attempt to move aside at all. Just for fun Henning and I had previously “measured” the width of the sidewalk and it is almost exactly 6 feet (Henning’s foot size, not mine). So it’s fair to say, if you want to be on the far right spectrum, the only acceptable place and time for it is on our sidewalk right now during this pandemic.

But I digress. So there was this family. Mother, father, son and daughter. The guy (Dad) looked like he had razor blades in his armpits (a German saying for guys that walk with their arms in this weird powerlifter position). And I was thinking to myself that I should snap a photo, cause if I needed to provide a picture of the “typical average Covidiot” they would probably be a very good fit.

Ever since the Floridians were told to stay at home, they are buzzing around outside like a swarm of bees trying to please their queen. I have not seen that many people walk, ride their bikes, rollerblading etc. than ever since the orders went out. And of course they can. The order allows for outdoor exercise. However – the order also says to keep 6 foot distance at all times. So people, since you Floridians love to vote for Mr. T, the whole far right thing should not be that difficult for you, now should it? MOVE over.
In Miami Dade, a different type of order has been issued today. The Mayor of Miami Dade issued an order that limits the amount of people that can be in a grocery store at the same time. Sounds like a good thing. Less people means people can avoid each other more easily hence reducing the infection risk. Right? Wrong! As long as people leave their brains in their cars, it doesn’t really matter, how many people are in the store at the same time. It only matter, how smart those people are.
If you are picking some sweet potatoes and another shopper is in a hurry (aren’t they all and always?) and needs the regular potatoes that are lying next to them, she might not wait. Who am I kidding? She won’t wait. But why should she? She is wearing a mask over her mouth. Not her nose though, so I guess she does not breathe through her nose at all. And that would explain the missing oxygen in her brain…

How has your week been? Have you also detected any secrets yet? It’s not unlikely to happen, now that we are spending so much time together as families. Did you find the secret sweet stashes your spouses kept from you? Have you noticed any habits of your significant other, that you never noticed before? And have they driven you crazy? As always – we want to hear (read) all about it. Use the comments field and share, please! You have not? Open your eyes, I bet there is something. LOL.
I think my concern about us having “lost” our fully furnished (well there is a bed) worst case quarantine bedroom to Sam, has been confirmed. Someone is enjoying his new bed, now that it also has pillows and sheets. But like every other child (yes, puppies can be our children, prove me wrong!), he comes and wants to sleep in Mommy’s and Daddy’s bed at night. Ideally exactly, where Mommy or Daddy are lying.

I continue to be inspired by the calm and clear demeanor our company’s CEO is showing in the current situation. Not, that he is otherwise appearing to be easily agitated. But he did not come across as charismatic as he does right now in his regular video messages to us. Communication is important in these times. He managed to take everyone’s mind off the concern of losing their job. With that, he did the company a great service as now everyone is able to pull from their own creativity and to use their energy to deliver on the changing goals in these challenging times.
I am very thankful for my job. Especially since it also keeps me busy. I am thinking of all of you a lot and I hope, you are fine too. And if things are worse for you, I hope at the very least you can find some distraction and joy in my posts. I am definitely enjoying writing them.
Please keep your distance!!! Stay healthy and take care!

I am extremely grateful for what the CEO did. It embodies the idea that true leadership demands courageous and he has been courageous in the midst of an uncertain crisis and a recession (or soon to be). What keeps me sane each week is thinking of ways I can contribute to society even from the safety of my home. That has looked like checking in on my neighbors, ensuring my family has everything they need, and communicating consistently with friends to ensure they have what they need. My hope is that when we come out of this crisis, we will all be a little less selfish and seek to help others.
I hope so too, but my level of confidence is low. The ones like you, always had it in them. The Covidiots are THE example of selfish behavior. the ultimate one, the one that even accepts potentially killing someone due to being reckless. I really can’t wrap my head around that.