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    From My Survival Playbook – Introducing My Mental Parking Lot

    What to do with all those emotions or feelings, thoughts, concerns or worries that tend to hit us at the worst possible time? We are super busy with work or with daily life stuff, minding our own business and suddenly there they are. Popping into our lives out of the blue and demanding mental space. A lot of space, usually. Unwanted feelings or unsolicited worries, concerns and annoyances that we have to deal with somehow. Or do we? By the way, did you know there is difference between emotions and feelings? I didn’t, but thought it was interesting enough to…

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    Let’s Take The High Road – It Really Isn’t As Busy

    Have you ever received a clearly sneakily bitchy or even bullying email? Sneakily, because the sender is smart enough to disguise their actual intention. Did someone, who seems to have a less than innocent motive, provoke you? And is trying to discredit you and / or your reputation? Oh man, I am so sorry that is happening to you. I really am. Be honest, what was your first impulse or reaction? Did taking the high road come to your mind right away? If so, wow you are likely close to a Saint or you are having a much higher level…

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    It’s An Absolute Judgment Free Zone, Or Is It?

    I am not going to start this post by saying that it is going to be “a little controversial”. Let’s face it, based on where you stand on literally any topic, all posts have the potential to be controversial. Even one about our puppy, Sam. And this post is definitely not going to be any different. If one is going to talk about judgment, facing judgment is absolutely a possibility. Maybe even likely? Probably. And that’s ok. I am writing my posts to provoke thoughts. As much as I added my podcast not to provide answers but rather questions and…

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    The Girl Behind The Curtain

    It is around 8pm, bed time for the girl who is maybe 7 or 8 years in age. On other nights this would be the time to secretly read one of her beloved books with a flashlight under her blanket. The girl is a bookworm, much more into reading than into sports. She usually reads books, that are not necessarily appropriate for her age. But the way she is living isn’t either. In so many ways. This, however, was not one of these more joyful reading nights. Instead of comfortably lying in her bed, the girl would be up in…

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    Are You Having The Right Perspective On Your Success?

    Happy Sunday! I felt it’s time for another vulnerable post. Get yourself comfortable but also ready, because what I am going to talk about today, might be uncomfortable to read at times. I am going to talk about success. And about why I called my blog and my podcast (find the link here) “My Kind Of Success” in the first place. I am sharing my success story. And what a story it is. Have you ever felt like you are not all that successful? What you have accomplished thus far in your life does not deserve to be called success?…

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    How Are Our Top 2 Values Impacting Our Lives?

    Have you ever thought about your top 2 values? Or your values in general? I was somewhat clear that I have values, but never thought much about what they were. And definitely not about how they were impacting the (work) life I am living. In situations where they probably tried to make themselves known, I just did not associate the frustration or dissatisfaction, I was feeling, with my values. That changed with one of those eye opening moments one hopes to experience, when reading a nonfiction book. At least I do, ever since my first eye opening moments while reading…

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    It Is A Great Idea To Fake It Till We Make It – Sometimes

    I think everyone heard the phrase “fake it till you make it” before. We tend to use this catch phrase jokingly, when we are not feeling something (yet), but have no choice. For example we might not be into Mondays. However we do not have much of a choice to start the week on the same. So, our reply to that inevitable “Happy Monday” might be “just gotta fake it till you make it, right?”. But as with many of these slogans, there is likely some truth to it too. Even though we are not in the mood to start…

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    Working Hard At Actually Being Happy And Content

    If you read some of my previous posts, you probably know by now, that I am a work in progress. I totally am. I am never going to stop learning. Well I will eventually, but that’s when I also stop being. And I am very thankful that I learned this lesson. One thing I continue to learn and work on is actually being happy and content. Because it does not always come naturally to me. But I am never going to stop putting in the hard work. It’s definitely worth it. So what does happiness and contentment mean? Well, likely…

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    Reminder To Self: No Need To Panic!

    Wow, another week gone. Time flies. It’s been a year now, that I have not been working in the office. Well at least it’s finally weekend and time to share the last time I was about to panic at work. And how I was thankfully able to stop myself, before I could do some serious damage. I am sure everyone of us has experienced this moment of growing inner fear. Both in work and in personal life. This moment, that catches us off guard and leaves us worrying we might have missed something or something might have gone or be…

  • Blog

    Beat the Funk

    Does that sound familiar? Have you ever been in a really bad mood that seemed to last forever? And by the time it was finally over, you did not even really remember the reason anymore? Or at least did not make an effort to find out? I have been there and done that. Probably more times than I care to count. In fact, I have experienced it so many times, that I actually gave this state of mind a name – the Funk. The reasons for getting into the funk are probably as diverse as the lives of my readers.…