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    Do you think, mistakes are inevitable when people are actually working and making decisions? Yes? That’s a great first step. But have you really accepted that fact and embraced mistakes as a means to grow and achieve even better results? Well, you really should. Per LinkedIn posts, many leaders are saying they are embracing mistakes as an opportunity to grow. And many of those posting these statements are even working in Corporate America. Sounds great. Or does it? Whenever I am stumbling across such a post, a huge “really?” pops into my mind. Followed by the question, whether this is…

  • Blog,  Uncategorized

    Too simple?

    When it comes to describing what makes people successful, keeping it simple might seem like a good idea. One picture says more than a thousand words after all. And too much context might be too complicated, right? Right. But not so fast. Too simple is a thing. And context has it’s merits. Today I saw this picture that someone had shared on LinkedIn. It was liked by someone I know and that is how it ended up in my news feed. And when I looked at it, I disagreed and moved on. But it kept bothering me even while I…

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    Is work-life-balance something, you are trying to accomplish or you are even missing in your life? Many people seem to be struggling with this. And this might be partly, because they are trying to balance their work with their life. Almost as if our work wasn’t a part of our life? Ever noticed this flaw in the term? Why I think this even matters? Because it does. The way we describe things, is the way we are going to perceive them. So if I have to try and balance work with my life and work is not part of that…

  • Blog

    Little things matter!

    As I said yesterday the weather is rainy and since it is Sunday afternoon, it’s a good opportunity to write another blog post. So here I go. Little things matter. At least to me, they do. Professionally as well as personally. And by little things I mean the everyday successes, many actively choose to overlook or at least not celebrate. Many of us are striving for perfection. Maybe even more of us measure our successes by the amount of positive feedback an “accomplishment” gets. From others, of course. Some might even depend on these compliments, which makes them manipulable. How…