• Blog

    Reminder To Self: No Need To Panic!

    Wow, another week gone. Time flies. It’s been a year now, that I have not been working in the office. Well at least it’s finally weekend and time to share the last time I was about to panic at work. And how I was thankfully able to stop myself, before I could do some serious damage. I am sure everyone of us has experienced this moment of growing inner fear. Both in work and in personal life. This moment, that catches us off guard and leaves us worrying we might have missed something or something might have gone or be…

  • Blog

    Do You Know Your Top Strengths? Focus On Them!

    Isn’t it so easy to get lost in the things we are not good at? Not surprising, since we really do not like to suck (excuse the language) at something. Especially if it is something, that we thought we should be great at. But we are not going to be geniuses at everything. It would help though, if we really knew our top strengths. Most of us might be “intuitively” aware of the things we are good at and that’s a great start. It can be really helpful though, to learn more about our top strengths using a scientific testing…

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    You Are Really Great, But Nobody Notices It?

    Well, are you “telling” them? In many companies it’s time for the Year End review. Which might have to do with the fact that, well the year is almost over. You are or have been really great, but nobody notices it? And now, at your Year End review, you are realizing that is not a good thing? Have you been telling them, how great you are? No, because you would never “brag about yourself? Interesting. Maybe then it should not really surprise you, that no one actually knows, I guess. 2020, the year that keeps on giving, is almost over.…

  • Blog,  Recommendations


    …is the thief of joy. Would you agree with this statement, that we commonly attribute to President Theodore Roosevelt? What do you think he meant by it and what does it mean to you? If it would be in our human nature, to compare ourselves and as a result see equality, comparison would probably not be such a bad thing. It is more likely though, that such comparison leads to a feeling of inferiority or superiority. Both not necessarily states of emotional health or stability. But the temptation is lurking at every corner of our personal and professional lives. As children…

  • Blog,  Uncategorized


    Do you think, mistakes are inevitable when people are actually working and making decisions? Yes? That’s a great first step. But have you really accepted that fact and embraced mistakes as a means to grow and achieve even better results? Well, you really should. Per LinkedIn posts, many leaders are saying they are embracing mistakes as an opportunity to grow. And many of those posting these statements are even working in Corporate America. Sounds great. Or does it? Whenever I am stumbling across such a post, a huge “really?” pops into my mind. Followed by the question, whether this is…

  • Blog

    The Integrity Challenge

    It’s about time for another, as Henning called them, “positive” blog posts. And by positive, he actually meant a post, that does not talk (at least not only) about Covid-19. It’s rainy and super dark outside. The pooch is lying next to me and the mood is right, so here we go! Let’s talk about integrity. But what is Integrity? One of my team members got a great explanation from his son, who had discussed the matter at Sunday school in church. “Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking“ Anonymous It’s the best and most…

  • Recommendations

    Day 2

    Hello – it’s me! Again. When I socialized the idea of a regular diary in the current situation, one of my dear friends asked me “are you sure you want to do it daily? You think you’ll have enough topics?” I am sure that was a polite way of saying, make sure you are not boring us. He got me thinking! Guess what? I would have enough content (in my head at least) to do this 3 times a day. But no worries, I am not going to do that. And of course I am also counting on you letting…