Day 4
Winner winner chicken dinner! You guys, I have exciting news to share: We made it! The US is once again #1! But hey, our President told us already during his election campaign and at every opportunity since: AMERICA FIRST!
I would like to thank Covid-19 and all the Covidiots – this would not have been possible without you!
What the heck am I talking about? The US made it to the top of the list of countries with the highest amount of infected people. We just always have to be the leaders. We are to be found, whenever there is a war to fight and did Mr. T not call Covid-19 an invisible enemy? There you go!
But enough (for now) about this guy. How are you doing today? I had quite some ups and downs today. My job was pretty busy and crazy. And it also was pretty awesome. I told you about my virtual brown bag lunch with the team – it was so cool! We had a good chat, time was flying and afterwards not only me, but also the team felt it was a great distraction from all the crazy stuff happening around us and also from our jobs. And those are currently great, annoying, energizing and tiring all at the same time. And when one day is over, then it’s rewind and repeat.
I will try to take a long weekend and not work tomorrow. We shall see! But I really, really need a break. And honestly not because of Covid-19, but more because I have been working A LOT also before this all happened and am not taking enough breaks (nope, not a role model here but working on it).
So how was your day? Did you also have a fun virtual meeting? I know some of you might have been on the same I was on. Tell us how you liked it! It’s important to have fun together. Speaking of fun, if you have not voted on the memes from the last blog post yet, go for it. So far meme 3 is the only one with a vote!
Laughing is a very good stress relief. Today my husband found a video on YouTube that had both of us literally cry for laughing. So naturally I am going to share it here. Just a disclaimer – it is, of course, about Covid-19 and it has some rather dark humor in it. I am a huge fan of irony and sarcasm, so it hits a sweet spot for me. If you do not like dark humor, please scroll over and continue with the post but skip the video!
For those who watched it how do you like it? Did it make you laugh? Upset? Both? Let me know!
No major news on the Social Distancing front – other than I am now having some Covidiots perform for me (and the rest of the neighborhood) literally in front of our entrance which thankfully has a window visible from the couch (Yeihhhhhh – that was my inner couch potato, ignore her please). It’s almost better than TV. There is a basketball hoop right in our cul-de-sac. Usually the neighborhood kids are using it, but they moved into their respective gardens to play there – you know, practicing Social Distancing as responsible kids do. So now the 20+ year old “kids”from the house next door and their friends (yep, they have their friends come visit) took over a couple of times a day. Maybe the real neighborhood kids can explain the “adults” how it works? A girl can dream!
But then again, we (the US) would still be only third in the ranking and we are really not average. Definitely not, when it comes to stupidity. So we earned this first place and I am confident we won’t give it up again, at least not without a fight. I am sure there is a Corona party somewhere, should we need one. Yes, I do like sarcasm, I really do.
On happier news, I had a scare this week (that’s not the happy part, i am not that morbid) and it all turned out to be fine. It was actually an excample that some things in this country do seem to work. My husband had a tiny surgery almost 2 weeks ago and required stitches. Today was the day, where the stitches should have been removed by his dermatologist. On Monday they sent a text message, canceling this appointment with no alternative or guidance, what to do. And while I think, my husband will always look handsome, stitches are not supposed to grow into your leg and become one with it. I am sure of that. So all that was left, was Urgent Care. And the thought of him hanging out with some actually infected Covidiots – as I was sure people would not listen to the guidance to NOT come it but call if they experience symptoms – scared me quite a bit.
Luckily, my concerns were unnecessary. Once he arrived at the parking lot of the Urgent Care, he was greeted by a police officer, checking what he wanted there. Before he was even allowed into the facility, his temperature was checked and he was thoroughly questioned. Ultimately the Urgent Care waiting room was also completely empty. It was a relief and I am glad, they are having and most importantly are also following a protocol. It also means, my husband will be back to swimming with Sam soon. I know he can’t wait!

I will keep it a little bit shorter today, but will definitely be back tomorrow! Until then, I hope you watched the video and had a good laugh. Hang in there – if you are not in the US, things will get better hopefully soon. If you are in the US, well, you might be in this for just a little bit longer than our neighbors. But we will get through this, too! At the very least, at some point Mr. T. will start thinking it’s not fun anymore to show up for a press conference every day and lose interest with this new toy. At that point, the experts have a small window of opportunity. I hope, they use it.
Be kind to yourself and then to others!
Keep your distance, stay healthy and take care!

One Comment
I love the pictures of Sam! Very cute and soothing. And much needed during this quarantine time. I watch the video and it was funny! 😀
It saddens me though how careless and stubborn people are. I honestly don’t see an end soon in NYC with the population density and people who go out for fun because they are “bored”. If only some people had a sense of selflessness, it would help our society.
Anyways, I am trying to remain active and enjoy the time with my wife, supporting her in the start of a new job, which will be remote beginning Monday. We are thankful for that, knowing how difficult this time has been for the economy. We want to remain grateful and do our part to contribute to society as things progress.