Episode 1 The Power Of Coaching
News on mykindofsuccess.net – I just launched my first episode of My Kind Of Success – The Podcast. While I am not going to discuss all topics both on the blog and in the podcast, you can expect some older articles to be recorded for those who prefer to listen over reading. More to come! Episode 1 is all about…
My Top 5 Reasons Not To Be A Servant Leader
“To be or not to be, that is the question”. Ever wondered what Shakespeare’s take on things would be these days? No, that’s just me? Oh well. Firstly, I am wondering, if Shakespeare would be one of those influencers on platforms like LinkedIn that leave their audience with smart sentences? Sentences like “Leadership is not an expertise. Leadership is a…
How Are Our Top 2 Values Impacting Our Lives?
Have you ever thought about your top 2 values? Or your values in general? I was somewhat clear that I have values, but never thought much about what they were. And definitely not about how they were impacting the (work) life I am living. In situations where they probably tried to make themselves known, I just did not associate the…
It Is A Great Idea To Fake It Till We Make It – Sometimes
I think everyone heard the phrase “fake it till you make it” before. We tend to use this catch phrase jokingly, when we are not feeling something (yet), but have no choice. For example we might not be into Mondays. However we do not have much of a choice to start the week on the same. So, our reply to…
Working Hard At Actually Being Happy And Content
If you read some of my previous posts, you probably know by now, that I am a work in progress. I totally am. I am never going to stop learning. Well I will eventually, but that’s when I also stop being. And I am very thankful that I learned this lesson. One thing I continue to learn and work on…
Are You Actually Really Listening To Understand?
Are you a good listener? I admire people that are naturally good at listening. Not just being quiet while someone else is speaking. Actually actively listening. I am not good at it. Partly because I am a pretty chatty person. But also because I am not the most patient human there is, either. I am lucky that I am quite…
Always, Never And Other Conversation Killer
A Not So Serious Guide How To Start A Fight It’s been too peaceful in your life lately? I guess you are not living in this world then? But not to worry, there is a few easy things you can do to change that. It’s all about communication. Let me help you out! You really just need a few simple…
Having Zero Tolerance For The Nonsense In Your Life?
I can so relate! I mean, the struggle is real people. So much going on and being empathetic, I can literally feel the pain of everyone around me. So much pain. Who needs additional nonsense in their life? Not me. And I hate to break it to you, but we still got to own what happens next. In my humble…
The Super Powerful Walk In Another Person’s Shoes
Care to walk in another person’s shoes? Do you feel judged or even shamed sometimes? I do. Because there is a lot of pressure to do the right thing. Always. To never fail at doing such important things like inclusion and diversity. Be an ally and know exactly how and to make no mistakes. This is at least true if…
What If I Have No More Words?
Today’s Struggles Of An Empathetic People Leader I was going to write a different blog post today. It was going to be uplifting and insightful. I would write about how I constantly work on becoming a better listener, combined with some tips and tricks of course. Words of experience and encouragement. Thought provoking as I like it best. But then…