• Recommendations

    Day 4

    Winner winner chicken dinner! You guys, I have exciting news to share: We made it! The US is once again #1! But hey, our President told us already during his election campaign and at every opportunity since: AMERICA FIRST! I would like to thank Covid-19 and all the Covidiots – this would not have been possible without you! What the heck am I talking about? The US made it to the top of the list of countries with the highest amount of infected people. We just always have to be the leaders. We are to be found, whenever there is…

  • Blog

    Beat the Funk

    Does that sound familiar? Have you ever been in a really bad mood that seemed to last forever? And by the time it was finally over, you did not even really remember the reason anymore? Or at least did not make an effort to find out? I have been there and done that. Probably more times than I care to count. In fact, I have experienced it so many times, that I actually gave this state of mind a name – the Funk. The reasons for getting into the funk are probably as diverse as the lives of my readers.…

  • Blog,  Recommendations

    Hey, Stranger!

    People that know me and work closely with me or are acquaintances or even friends will quickly agree that I am an extrovert. An outgoing person, definitely a little chatty at times. Being asked if I’d like to entertain a room, speak publicly etc. they would probably not hesitate and say “yes, definitely”. They would be somewhat right… And if you asked those same people about my ability to “network” / meet new people, they would probably tell you that I must be good at it as well. That I am good at making connections, that I can “win” people…