• Blog

    Reminder To Self: No Need To Panic!

    Wow, another week gone. Time flies. It’s been a year now, that I have not been working in the office. Well at least it’s finally weekend and time to share the last time I was about to panic at work. And how I was thankfully able to stop myself, before I could do some serious damage. I am sure everyone of us has experienced this moment of growing inner fear. Both in work and in personal life. This moment, that catches us off guard and leaves us worrying we might have missed something or something might have gone or be…

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    We are ALL going to die…

    … eventually.  Apologies for the rather dramatic headline, especially in the current situation. I promise, this is not a cheap attempt of attention seeking. At least not from me. And I am very well aware that there are people that did not and will not survive this virus, which is very sad and nothing to joke about. Period! What I am sharing in my headline is a fact – unless someone invented or detected a way to eternal life and missed sharing it with me (those that believe in conspiracy theories are probably sure that’s exactly what happened and why…