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    Focus Is Our Friend

    I think we can all agree, that 2020 so far has been an interesting year. To say the least. One, not many of us would likely recommend to a friend. For sure things have been and continue to be difficult, even overwhelming at times. But how can we best deal with all of this? Or with other difficult situations? Certainly, focus is our friend, here. The right focus, that is. When things feel out of (our,) control and we are overwhelmed, we easily lose focus. All the things, we can’t really control, are rushing through our minds like some kind…

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    Day 11

    Happy Friday Eve dear friends and fellow Covid-19 warriors. Some more of you have been checking in and commenting – I really appreciate the feedback! Does not make me feel as much like the weird person on the street that is loudly talking to themselves. So this is Day 11, in blog days at least. I realized, in yesterday’s post I completely omitted the irony (or intent?) of the day, Mr. DeSantis chose for his stay@home order (thanks for the reminder, Jimmy Kimmel!). April’s fools day of all days. So I guess the Covidiot’s had a good laugh about the…