Too simple?
When it comes to describing what makes people successful, keeping it simple might seem like a good idea. One picture says more than a thousand words after all. And too much context might be too complicated, right? Right. But not so fast. Too simple is a thing. And context has it’s merits. Today I saw this picture that someone had…
Is work-life-balance something, you are trying to accomplish or you are even missing in your life? Many people seem to be struggling with this. And this might be partly, because they are trying to balance their work with their life. Almost as if our work wasn’t a part of our life? Ever noticed this flaw in the term? Why I…
Day 54
What an ending to an otherwise rather normal Friday! It’s Day 54 of our little Covid-19 community blog. It’s also Friday, May 15th. But honestly, it could as well have been Friday the 13th, based on how the day ended. But from the beginning. As forecasted, the weather was a wash-out today. But it was not bad enough this morning,…
Little things matter!
As I said yesterday the weather is rainy and since it is Sunday afternoon, it’s a good opportunity to write another blog post. So here I go. Little things matter. At least to me, they do. Professionally as well as personally. And by little things I mean the everyday successes, many actively choose to overlook or at least not celebrate.…
The Integrity Challenge
It’s about time for another, as Henning called them, “positive” blog posts. And by positive, he actually meant a post, that does not talk (at least not only) about Covid-19. It’s rainy and super dark outside. The pooch is lying next to me and the mood is right, so here we go! Let’s talk about integrity. But what is Integrity?…
Failure? (Not) An Option!
My husband told me yesterday, that I should be writing “a positive” blog post again. I gave him a confused, yet slightly upset look as a reaction. What was he telling me? My daily diary posts are not “positive” enough? So he went on to explain, he meant a post like the ones I would have written before Covid-19. There…
Day 14
It’s yet another Sunday in these super crazy times. Have you adjusted to your “new normal” yet? I am not sure, to be honest. As I shared before, not a lot has changed for Henning, Sam and I. However it FEELs different and that is a very weird feeling. Still wrapping my head around it. Having good and bad days.…
Day 13
Hey y’all, how are you doing today? In case you are not sure, it’s Saturday. The first day of the weekend is almost over. Not, that it really matters, as nowadays weekdays and weekends are mostly spend at the same place – the couch. But hopefully you are not spending all days working. Rest is important, even though for some…
Day 12
Has someone seen the last week? I must have totally missed it! It feels like yesterday that I wrote to you about our Friday power outage nightmare and here we are again. It’s Friday! Power is still on, though (knocking on wood aka my head). Day 12….another workweek in my couch office. I guess by the end of this whole…
Day 11
Happy Friday Eve dear friends and fellow Covid-19 warriors. Some more of you have been checking in and commenting – I really appreciate the feedback! Does not make me feel as much like the weird person on the street that is loudly talking to themselves. So this is Day 11, in blog days at least. I realized, in yesterday’s post…