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    Never Assume, You will Likely Fail Every Single Time

    Assumptions are a tricky thing. We are in fact constantly making assumptions. Especially when critical data points for an informed decision are missing. Our brains are wired to make assumptions, to fill information gaps. This stems from a time, when information gaps could literally be deadly. And yet, we should really never assume. We will be wrong every single time.…

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    Time To Think About Your Powerful Focus Word For 2021!

    I think we are past that time when wishing a “Happy New Year” is still “appropriate”. I do however still wish you a great, happy and healthy 2021. Let’s fill it with lots of love and laughter. Yes, you would usually use the passive “filled with lots of love and laughter” but that won’t do it for me. After 2020,…

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    Why Are So Many New Years Resolutions Failing?

    The New Year is about to start. Finally. And I am sure we can all agree, a real new start is in order, once we made it through 2020. But trust me, this year is not yet over so I am not going to celebrate early. Just don’t want to jinx it any further. But I am wondering, are you…

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    Did You Know A Simple “Good Job” Just Doesn’t Do It?

    The art of giving praise and compliments @ work Have you ever received a “positive feedback” that left you clueless or disappointed instead of motivated? You have, but you don’t know exactly why? Maybe the person providing it was just not familiar with the art of giving praise and compliments at work. Giving feedback, the right way, does not come…

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    You Are Really Great, But Nobody Notices It?

    Well, are you “telling” them? In many companies it’s time for the Year End review. Which might have to do with the fact that, well the year is almost over. You are or have been really great, but nobody notices it? And now, at your Year End review, you are realizing that is not a good thing? Have you been…

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    You Will Really Never Be Happy With Your Outsourced Service

    Unless you put in the work! It’s been a while since part III of my series about how I changed my outsourcing game. Mainly because I have been on vacation. And yes, partly because things have been a little crazy in the US in the last couple of days. No headspace to talk about things not happening, unless you put…

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    Actually Never Been Happy With Your Outsourced Customer Service?

    Try Integrity & Ownership! Yes, those are two very strong words. Maybe even words, you might find in some “bullshit bingo” charts as well. However, I personally think these two belong together and should be front and center for every true leader. You have to try integrity & ownership , I am sure about that. So much so, that they…

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    Still Not Really Happy With Your Outsourced Customer Service?

    Try Genuine Care & Radical Candor Welcome back to part II of my post series about my journey to a better (outsourced) Customer Service. And what happened, when I lost that client attitude and tried genuine care and radical candor, instead. You have not read part I yet? No worries, you can find it right here and I recommend reading…

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    Really Not Happy With Your Outsourced Customer Service?

    Try Losing That Client Attitude! When I “pitched” this blog post idea “Try Losing That Client Attitude” to my coach, she hesitated to reply. But ultimately she honestly told me, that it made her cringe a little. You are hiring a contractor or Customer Service BPO for a reason, right? And that reaction of hers made me smile. Because I…

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    3 Simple Tips For A Less Stressful Work Week

    The weekend is almost over and a new work week is about to start. Working days can get quite stressful, tense even. This is definitely especially true, in the crazy times we are living in right now. So I thought I would share 3 of my simple tips for a less stressful work week. So what are those 3 simple…