6 Important Life-Hacks I Learned On My Weight Loss Journey
Four years ago I embarked, for the hundreds time, on what I thought was yet another diet and short-lived weight loss journey. But this time felt different from the get go. It actually felt “feasible”. I managed to lose the ~60 lb of weight I wanted to lose within a little over a year. But most importantly I have been…
Did You Know Craving Validation From Others Is Actually Seriously Risky?
When was the last time, that you celebrated yourself or something that you accomplished? All by yourself and without anyone else celebrating you or your success first? Are you usually getting excited for yourself when something joyful or great is happening or you did something awesome? If the answer is yes, good for you. If the answer is no, then…
The Important Fact We Should Know About Our Dream Job
When I grew up, I wanted to become an FBI Agent. I had seen US crime series and movies on TV with my Dad and it intrigued me. It was my absolute dream job. There was just one minor obstacle. I grew up in Germany and I was seriously disappointed when I realized, there was no such thing like a…
Good To Know What You Want, Really Powerful If You Know Why
Many of us have goals. Goals for our lives, goals for our careers, our families, our health and so on. We will likely not always accomplish all of them. And that’s ok. However we can dramatically increase our chances, if on top of knowing what, we also know our “why”. Because the “why” might be much more important. It definitely…
How To Get What We Need? Just Be Supportive!
Well, well, well. Should things really be that simple and easy? No, likely not. Life just really isn’t such an easy thing to do. But if we want to get what we need, it does help to not expect anything from anyone. Instead we should try offering our own support first. One hand might wash the other, if we do.…
Why I Don’t Mind Being Vulnerable And Neither Should You
Happy International Women’s Day! How are you doing today? I am writing this the day before as Sunday afternoon is for writing. And I am actually having a great Sunday so far today. However overall? I am also feeling sad. And I am definitely a little bit tired, too. Thankfully I have no problem with being vulnerable and sharing this…
Some Great Books, Tools & People That Helped Me Grow
So today I thought I would start providing content in a completely unused category on my blog. “Recommendations”. And just as a disclaimer upfront: I am not earning any money by recommending these tools, people or books. Book(s) I have to start with my favorite non-fiction book of all times (so far): Kim Scott’s “Radical Candor: Be a kickass boss…
Reminder To Self: No Need To Panic!
Wow, another week gone. Time flies. It’s been a year now, that I have not been working in the office. Well at least it’s finally weekend and time to share the last time I was about to panic at work. And how I was thankfully able to stop myself, before I could do some serious damage. I am sure everyone…
Do You Know Your Top Strengths? Focus On Them!
Isn’t it so easy to get lost in the things we are not good at? Not surprising, since we really do not like to suck (excuse the language) at something. Especially if it is something, that we thought we should be great at. But we are not going to be geniuses at everything. It would help though, if we really…
The Surprising & Powerful Difference Coaching Made in My (Work) Life
Happy Monday everyone! Are you ready for another (work) week? Ready to rock it and live your best (work) life? Or are you dreading the day and the week ahead? For you it’s a mix of both and now you feel weird? Don’t! I don’t believe these are exclusive. But it’s been taking me a while to admit this to…