Episode 2 Focus Is Our Friend Part 1
Below the links to the second episode of My Kind Of Success – The Podcast: Focus Is Our Friend Part I. Feeling a little or a lot of overwhelmed? Things are out of (your) control and annoyances are piling up? Then now might be the perfect time to take a break and listen to my latest podcast episode! A friend shared with me, this was just what they needed to hear on their stressful day. Anchor episode can be found here. Spotify episode can be found here. You can also find My Kind Of Success – The Podcast on the…
The Important Fact We Should Know About Our Dream Job
When I grew up, I wanted to become an FBI Agent. I had seen US crime series and movies on TV with my Dad and it intrigued me. It was my absolute dream job. There was just one minor obstacle. I grew up in Germany and I was seriously disappointed when I realized, there was no such thing like a FBI in Germany. Of course I could have joined the German police. But that was not really an appealing thought. Also, I was not really into sports. You would have to pass some serious sports test to successfully apply. And…
The Magic Process Of Becoming A People Leader
Let’s talk about the magic process of becoming a people leader today, shall we? Because there is many bosses out there, but in my opinion not as many true leader. So, what’s the difference? Well, let me share my thoughts and you’ll be the judge. And a spoiler upfront – if you are willing to put in the work, the result can be truly amazing, maybe even magic. But if you expected this to be a simple magic trick or thought it comes automatically with a promotion, you could not be more wrong. I am working in Corporate and that…
Focus Is Our Friend
I think we can all agree, that 2020 so far has been an interesting year. To say the least. One, not many of us would likely recommend to a friend. For sure things have been and continue to be difficult, even overwhelming at times. But how can we best deal with all of this? Or with other difficult situations? Certainly, focus is our friend, here. The right focus, that is. When things feel out of (our,) control and we are overwhelmed, we easily lose focus. All the things, we can’t really control, are rushing through our minds like some kind…
Do you think, mistakes are inevitable when people are actually working and making decisions? Yes? That’s a great first step. But have you really accepted that fact and embraced mistakes as a means to grow and achieve even better results? Well, you really should. Per LinkedIn posts, many leaders are saying they are embracing mistakes as an opportunity to grow. And many of those posting these statements are even working in Corporate America. Sounds great. Or does it? Whenever I am stumbling across such a post, a huge “really?” pops into my mind. Followed by the question, whether this is…
Too simple?
When it comes to describing what makes people successful, keeping it simple might seem like a good idea. One picture says more than a thousand words after all. And too much context might be too complicated, right? Right. But not so fast. Too simple is a thing. And context has it’s merits. Today I saw this picture that someone had shared on LinkedIn. It was liked by someone I know and that is how it ended up in my news feed. And when I looked at it, I disagreed and moved on. But it kept bothering me even while I…