About Me – My Perfectly Imperfect Success Story

Welcome to My Kind Of Success, I am excited to have you!
While this message is something you would expect to see in one way or another, there is a lot more to it – to me anyways – than just a somewhat nice welcome message. You being here means, that I had the courage and finally took the first step towards a life long dream of writing and maybe even becoming an author? We shall see!
So who am I and why should you care? Good question (there are no bad questions really)! My name is Nannette, I am married to the handsome guy in the picture and am the proud (and often exhausted) dog Mom of the also handsome and completely spoiled yellow Labrador Retriever Sam, pictured above. The picture sums up our family pretty well: The pooch is front and center and we are all happy about it.
My current job and work family is what got me into writing a blog about how “failing yourself to success” might not be a bad idea. As a people leader, I naturally defaulted to sharing well yes of course things that I accomplished, but most importantly things I only got right the second time around. Sharing success stories can be quite intimidating (or come across “show-off-ish”). Candidly sharing failures made me and the advise and guidance I provided so much more human. This approach was definitely a success with my team.
I started to mentor colleagues when I had to let go people due to a project coming to a sudden end. At that time I felt I had not been able to give these great team members all I wanted to as their leader and so I became their mentor.
I am enjoying a lot of great mentor-mentee relationships and if I could I would mentor even more colleagues – I am learning so much in every “session”. While there is no shortage in interest, there is unfortunately the a day has only so many hours thing. And a family…
Fast (ok not that fast) forward to today – I realized I could have similar relationships by starting an internal blog in our company intranet. It is all about providing fruit for thought. I definitely do not know it all, I can however challenge to pause and think.
Great discussions and input from participants made it a logical next step to go public and hopefully build more of these rewarding relationships and discussions.
Why “My Kind Of Success” ? Funny, my husband asked me the same question. He even actually went a step further by bluntly telling me that I have not (yet?) made it from rags to riches. So why did I think I was equipped to talk about success? Yes, he clearly is as “German” (direct with a notch unkindness) as I am. So here you have it though – what is success? Obviously being a millionaire seems to be success for some. “Just” being happy is pretty successful in the book of others.
And for me? What is my kind of success? Well let’s find out, shall we?
And to close the loop – why should you care? You don’t have too! But if you agree that you do not have to make every mistake yourself to learn and grow from them, you are more than welcome to learn from mine!
Looking forward to your story!
Warm regards,